Jerome Catholic Church located in Clute, Texas. Jerome's Community is grateful and offers prayers for Father Jim. Sunday / domingo. About Us. Jerome Church. Mass Times. St. Location of worship / Church Address. net Website: Mass Times Weekend Mass. Please note that Mass times are. Eucharist. Holy Eucharist. . Phone: (979) 265-5179. July 7, 2022 St. See all. Sacraments. Who is Saint Jerome. Jerome. CUARESMA en FORMED. St. Jerome, a parish rich in diversity within the Diocese of Galveston-Houston is a Eucharistic Community rooted in Roman Catholic traditions. Lazy Ln. Jerome Church vCard with. We are located in Clute, TX; Directions to our church can be found here. Liturgy & Sacraments. United States. St. Confirmation. Clute, Texas 77531-4000 Phone: (979) 265-5179 Email: [email protected]. 10:30am - English / inglés. News & Events. Horario de Misas. Saturday / sábado. Online Giving. St. St. 107 N. Jerome. Jerome Catholic Church in Clute, Texas serving the community since 1969. About. 7:00am - English / inglés. The most searched resources. Reconciliation. Check out this section to see some relevant events and news going on around the parish, Archdiocese and Church in general. 8:45am - Spanish / español. St. Holy. LENT on FORMED. 643 people like this. St. We invite you to celebrate Mass with us at St. LENT 2023. 12:15pm -. Baptism. Clute , TX 77531-4001. 692 people follow this. Home. Jerome 107 North Lazy Ln. 6:00pm - English / inglés. We strive to bring people. You were a good pastor to all of us, may God continue to guide you and care for you! You will. Fax: (979) 265-4601. Download St. Matrimony. Jerome.